INSPOA Laboratório de Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal


InsPOA is located in the Campus Viçosa from the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Department of Veterinary Medicine. Our activities are mainly conducted in the InsPOA, a laboratory that contains all basic equipment required for microbiological and physical-chemical analyzes of food. The equipment is available for use by the InsPOA team, supported by technicians from the Department of Veterinary Medicine.

Besides the InsPOA infrastructure, all laboratories from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Sector of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Public Health, can also be used to the scientific activities. This sector has a multi-usuary environment for biological material disposal, culture media and reagents preparation, and storage and incubation rooms.

The InsPOA scientific activities are also developed in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, that contains all equipment required for conventional molecular analyzes in food.